92,000 UK motorists are close to losing their licence

92,000 UK motorists are close to losing their licence

FIGURES from a recent Freedom Of Information request by IAM Roadsmart has revealed that over 92,000 UK motorists are currently on 9, 10 or 11 points.

These drivers will be ‘driving miss daisy’ for the next few years, presumably, as any further offence could take them over the 12-point limit, and hand them a driving ban.

To dive into the statistics a bit further, it is reported by Somerset Live that there are 80,484 drivers & riders with 9 points on their licence, 7,804 with 10 points, and 4,313 with 11 points. 

Alarming still is the near 8,800 motorists with 12 points or more on their licence still on the road. IAM Roadsmart is calling for these anomaly drivers to be treated in the same way as everyone else, with a ’12 points and you’re out’ system. 

Are you in one of the 3 UK ‘hotspots’ with the most licence points?

Three cities top of the list for drivers with the most points on their licence: Birmingham with 74,397 road users, Sheffield with 56,876 & Nottingham with 56,245.

The most common offences leading to points are offences relating to:

  • Speeding on road/motorway
  • Insurance offences
  • ‘Breach of use and control’ (i.e. using a phone at the wheel)
  • Traffic offences (running a red light etc)
  • Failing to identify themselves
  • Licence offences (driving outside of their licence limits)
  • Driving with defective tyres
  • Careless driving (without due care and attention, or with unsuitable load/passengers)

Neil Greig, IAM RoadSmart Director of Policy & Research, said: 

“The number of motorists still driving on UK roads with more than 12 points, or just under the driving ban threshold, is alarming.

“It is also an opportune occasion to educate motorists on some motoring laws that they might be unaware can result in licence points, so that motorists can change their driving habits and carry out regular basic checks of their vehicle to help make the roads safer for all users.”

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