Icon Stormhawk Waterproof Boots | Return of the Cafe Racers

On average it rains 164 days a year in Portland, Oregon. Not what you’d call the ideal climate for motorcyclists. But this just so happens to be home to riding gear manufacturer Icon. As you’d expect, as a result of having to endure such soggy conditions, Icon has developed a range of tried and tested wet weather riding gear. Field-tested…


Taking Your Motorcycle Out Of Storage

Photos by: Lead image by: Shutterstock/OBprod Waking your bike from its long winter’s nap is one of those good news/bad news moments. The good news is that, if you prepared your bike for the winter, getting back out on the road is pretty darn simple. The bad news is that, if you didn’t, you could be in for a bit…


SOS service for all riders

Last updated:16th April, 2021 Automatic emergency calls that activate in the event of a crash are being installed in cars and some motorcycles and motorcycle helmets, but Triumph has now released a similar phone app that all riders can use. Triumph SOS will detect if you have suddenly stopped and send an automatic emergency call that can be manually cancelled…