Editor’s Choice: An Alternative Top 10 for 2020

This time each year, we gather our web and social media stats and pick the ten most popular custom motorcycles of the year. Once we’ve got that out of our system, I have the daunting task of throwing the stats out the window—and picking my personal favorites. It was an especially tough gig this year, with a global pandemic doing…


Kevin Cameron and Writing By Accident

Technical Editor Kevin Cameron shares his wealth of motorcycle knowledge, experiences, insights, history, and much more. (Cycle World/) Here I am, writing the last print “TDC” column of a series that began by accident 38 years ago in the exasperation of the late Phil ­Schilling. In 1982, he planned a set of new monthly columns for ­Cycle magazine, to be…


The Magni Italia 01/01 Pays Special Tribute to Arturo Magni

When it comes to motorcycle brands that are based in the Lombardy region of Italy, the thought of MV Agusta immediately comes to mind. However, an even smaller boutique marque exists in this beautiful region of the boot-shaped country: Magni Motorcycles. The name Magni should be a familiar one with students of the industry, as the company’s namesake, Arturo Magni,…