Indian FTR 1200 commute review by KNOX
Having had the Indian FTR1200 for around 3 months and around 500 miles, it made sense for us to make a few videos on this bike, including this Indian FTR 1200 commuting review. Weโll be following this video up with a more detailed and planned review, but this is just some thoughts on a typical commute to work on the bike, what it is like and how it behaves, what is great and some small downsides weโve found.
In short, the FTR1200 is an incredible bike and a very different offering to the current crop of tamer motorcycles currently available and we absolutely love it!
So please ignore some of the waffle, make yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy the FTR 1200 motovlog review!
In the video, we refer to some Knox products that are shown, these are as below:
Knox Urbane Pro Shirt –
Knox Orsa Leather MKII Glove โ
Richmond MKII Jeans –
Knox 2020 collection –
We also referred to the Jekyl and Hyde Exhaust system for the Indian FTR1200, this is available here
Finally, all the latest specification and images of the Indian FTR1200 are available here
Hope you enjoyed this video on the Indian FTR 1200, please like, comment and subscribe for more!