Honda Updates Monkey and Super Cub 125 in Europe

Honda’s announced the return of the Monkey and Super Cub 125 to the European market for 2022. (Honda/) Honda recently announced updates to its Monkey 125and Super Cub 125models for the European market for 2022, which bodes well for those of us in the States looking for revisions to those same miniMotos when/if they appear in Honda’s lineup here. With…


Spacebar: The electric scooter inspired by robot anime

Remember the Honda Motocompo, the cute folding scooter from the early 1980s that could fit in the trunk of a car? We’ve often thought that Honda should revive it, and it looks like we’re not alone. Katalis have just released details of their latest creation, and it’s the spiritual successor to the Motocompo. Called ‘Spacebar,’ it weighs just 132 pounds…