Tool Time: A Yamaha SR500 built by a machine tool company

There’s nothing unusual about building a custom motorcycle with the primary purpose of taking it to a show. But what if the show in question has absolutely nothing to do with custom motorcycles? That’s a cool twist. This sharply styled Yamaha SR500 flat tracker is the pet project of 27-year-old Maxime Fontvielle. He’s an application engineer at the French operation…


This time, it comes to the queue of VISION NEXT 100 of two wheels. With advanced BMW projects Motorrad 's VISION NEXT 100 (BMW) is a cutting edge motorcycle project. With driving assistance system Can be called almost Will be automatically driven Such as balance assistance, navigation maps, and high-tech glasses as a device that syncs with the car to help driving as well.  Based on its design, it really reminds me of a sci-fi movie, especially Tron, but seeing the design and…


Safe Post-Ride Entertainment in the Time of Covid

Wide open spaces and winding roads highlight southern Arizona. Over the years, I have penned many Rider articles about entertainment opportunities that can enhance great rides. I’ve written about riding to a Pearl Jam concert in Montana. I have traced my way on the tarmac and in print from watching “Hamlet” in Oregon to “Much Ado” in Utah. I love…