Tough Turban 3D print bulletproof turban for Sikh riders

Tough Turban 3D print bulletproof turban for Sikh riders

Tough Turban Made with state-of-the-art technology for Sikh riders who want to travel with their trusty two-wheeled vehicle, for those who want to maintain their “identity” alongside security while driving.

The Tough Turban was born out of the fact that some countries were able to offer drivers using a turban. Able to drive a motorcycle without a helmet As in Thailand, monks, monks, or people with different turban traditions can choose not to wear a helmet (according to Road Traffic Act, 1979, Section 122), which the manufacturer also recognizes the necessity of safety. and different needs of each individual

Its exterior is made of shock and friction resistant fabric. Same as the commonly used protective clothing for motorcyclists. It is wrapped on the outside of three different layers of advanced protective material. Starting with a 3D-printed knitted mesh inspired by the chainmail weave used by ancient warriors around the world, the bulletproof Dyneema fabric is no different from the John Wick suit. Is it necessary? for general motorcycling And finally, a layer of Non Newtonian foam sheet that will soften in normal time. But it will become solid when it hits.

Of course, this kind of bulletproof turban. Probably won’t be able to offer the same level of safety as a full carbon fiber helmet. But we want to show everyone that “identity” can exist alongside modern security.

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